Hey gorgeous mamas!

I’m Viktoria, and I've got

a story for you

that’s part fairytale,

part rollercoaster,

and all heart.

Ready to dive in?

Let’s go!

Money Master Moms Intro Photo of Viktoria

Picture this: a bright-eyed, 16-year-old girl named Viktoria (yup, that’s me!) meets one of the most beloved actors in her home country. He was a legend, admired by millions, and there I was, standing in front of him, starstruck. I mean, completely paralyzed. With a warm smile, he handed me his autograph, inscribed with the words, “Viktoria, I wish you freedom”:

Financial Freedom on Its Way Into My Life

Freedom? What did that even mean? 🤨 I was a teenager with all the normal teenage drama in my life, what the heck is this freedom thing about? Anyway, I tucked it away like a treasure, not having a clue these words would become my guiding light in life.

Fast forward to my university days. Unlike most local schools where schedules are as rigid as concrete, my university let me choose my own courses and schedule. It was my first taste of freedom, and oh boy, was it sweet. I packed my classes in 3 days and traveled to spend the rest of the week with my beloved one (now my husband). But then came the corporate grind - a world where freedom seemed like a distant dream. I was stuck in an office from 8am to 6pm, living for weekends, and my soul craved more.

So, I made a bold move. I quit the corporate world at the height of my career (I was the General Manager of Marketing and Advertising for a furniture store chain at only 29 years of age!) and jumped into freelancing. Scary? Absolutely. But the freedom? Pure bliss. I could work from anywhere, set my own hours, and say yes to projects that lit me up.

I didn’t stop there. I went back to school, earning my Master’s degree in Psychology and Business while pregnant with my second child, from Varna Free University. Yep, “free” is in the name for a reason - it’s all about liberation. 🗽

But let’s keep it real. Even with all these wins, I hit a major roadblock: our family finances. Even with my background in accounting and multiple finance courses under my belt, I found myself constantly stressed about money. It felt like no matter how much income we brought in, it was never enough. It was simply disappearing into thin air!

Bills piled up, savings were a joke, and financial stress was a constant shadow over our lives. Not to mention the age-old mindset I've inherited like most other people that continuously whispered in my ear "There's not enough ..." Bottom line, I felt like a total failure, and it broke my heart. 💔

There were nights I sat at the kitchen table, surrounded by bills and financial statements, feeling utterly defeated. I couldn’t understand why I was struggling so much. There I was - young, making decent money, taking care of my family, full of energy and creative ideas, and still not being able to wrap my head around managing our money.

I felt like I was letting my family down, and the weight of that failure was excruciating.

But giving up was never an option. For my daughters, Emma and Eva, and for our future, I knew I had to find a way. In the midst of a thriving freelancing career combined with growing a family and all the efforts and attention those two were requiring of me, I made the time to educate myself on money, so that I can finally make a breakthrough.

📚 I decided to immerse myself in learning everything I could about personal finance. I devoured dozens of books, listened to numerous podcasts, attended seminars - live and virtual - and completed several courses led by renowned financial experts.

Slowly but surely, I began to piece together the puzzle of personal finance.

I learned about budgeting, saving, setting financial goals, automating processes, and investing smartly.

I started implementing these strategies in our daily lives.

It wasn’t an overnight transformation, but gradually, things began to improve.

We went from living paycheck to paycheck to having a solid savings plan and investments for the future.

For the first time, we weren’t just surviving - we were living.

Not only were we able to stay debt-free and save some freakin' 80% of our income (HELLOOO!!!), but we started going on multiple vacations every year to European cities, beautiful places, and amazing Greek islands with turquoise waters and ... oh, dear, you get my point.

Me and hubby in Thassos

The change was nothing short of miraculous.

Financial stress? Gone.

Instead, we had freedom - the kind that lets you enjoy life, be present with your kids, and dream big. 🌌

We were living our best lives, and I knew I had to share this journey with others.

As I started talking with close friends and relatives, I realized there were many mothers just like me, struggling to manage their family’s finances despite their best efforts.

I began leading live seminars on personal finances and was surprised to see that even people who thought they were financially literate found immense value in the information and tactics I was sharing.

Here's what one attendant had to say:

"I thought I know a lot about money, but Viktoria's seminar took my understanding to a completely new level. On a 10-point scale, I'd say that my knowledge of personal finances is now 5 points higher than before. Truly amazing and eye-opening!"

~Violet M.

The extremely positive feedback I was constantly getting reconfirmed my desire to share what I've learned with even more people, so that they, too, can finally master money and put order in their family's finances.

That’s how Money Master Moms was born.

It’s a vibrant, heart-centered community where moms from around the world come together to conquer their finances and claim their freedom.

We focus on 3 key pillars:


Empowering you with the knowledge to make smart financial decisions.


Providing tested and proven tools to turn your plans into action.


Offering a loving community where you can grow, learn, and thrive.

Now, here’s where the fun really begins. Let’s talk about the two amazing ways you can join our movement:

Money Master Moms:

This is our free community, and it’s the perfect place to start. Join our Facebook group and dive into our blog posts packed with tips, tricks, and real talk about money. You’ll learn, share, and grow with other amazing mamas who are on the same path. It’s all about support, inspiration, and community.

Money Master Moms Inner Circle:

Ready to take things to the next level? This is where the magic happens. For just $5.99 a month - yes, that’s like two Starbucks drinks! - you get access to exclusive resources and templates, weekly group coaching get-togethers, a practical tips email newsletter, call recordings, and an online form for tailored support.

The value is mind-blowing!

Join Money Master Moms Inner Circle and get ready for a treasure trove of goodies:

Exclusive Resources and Templates:

Budgeting, saving, investing - you name it, we’ve got a template for it.

Weekly Coaching Sessions:

Get personal advice from financial wizards in our fun, interactive online get-togethers.

Weekly Email Newsletter:

Packed with practical tips and insights to keep you on track.

Access to Call Recordings:

Missed a session? No worries, catch up anytime.

Online Questions Form:

Get tailored advice and support for your specific financial challenges.

Here’s a love note from Maria, one of our fabulous members:

"Joining Money Master Moms Inner Circle has been a game-changer! I went from feeling totally overwhelmed to feeling like a financial rockstar. The resources are amazing, the support is incredible, and Viktoria’s guidance? Life-changing!"

~Maria H.

What sets Money Master Moms Inner Circle apart?

We make learning about money fun and empowering.

We understand the unique challenges moms face, and we’re here to make financial freedom a joyful reality for you.

For just $5.99 a month, you get all our exclusive resources, weekly coaching sessions, and our vibrant community.

That’s like trading two Starbucks drinks for a lifetime of financial freedom.

How amazing is that?

Don’t let financial stress steal another moment of your joy.

Join Money Master Moms Inner Circle today and start your journey to financial empowerment.

Click here to become a member now and live a life of financial confidence and freedom!

Me and my girls' drinks at the beach

Ladies, I’ve walked this path, and I’m here to walk it with you.

I’ve felt the struggle and the triumph.

My daughters, Emma and Eva, are my inspiration, and they remind me every day why this journey is worth it.

I want the same joy and freedom for you and your family.

That actor’s autograph wasn’t just a cool keepsake - it was a prophecy.

It set me on a path to discovering freedom in every aspect of my life.

From educational freedom to geographical and time freedom, and finally, financial freedom.

I embraced every chance to live life on my own terms.

Financial freedom isn’t just about money - it’s about choices.

It’s about deciding how you spend your time, where you live, and how you raise your children.

It’s about peace of mind and enjoying the moments that matter. 🌹

By joining Money Master Moms Inner Circle, you’re investing in your freedom and the future of your family.

Imagine waking up each day without financial stress.

Imagine having the confidence to make decisions that benefit your family.

Imagine being part of a supportive, like-minded community that cheers you on.

That’s the vision of Money Master Moms Inner Circle, and it’s waiting for you.

We’re committed to giving you the best resources, the most supportive community, and the most effective strategies to help you achieve financial freedom.

Our team of experts is dedicated to your success, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

You deserve to live a life of financial confidence and freedom.

Don’t let another day go by feeling overwhelmed by your finances.

Take the leap and join Money Master Moms Inner Circle.

Together, we can achieve greatness.

I can’t wait to welcome you to our community and cheer you on as you conquer your finances and live the life you deserve. Let’s make magic happen together!

Ready to transform your financial future?

Click the button below to join Money Master Moms Inner Circle and start your journey to financial freedom today.

Let’s embrace this adventure together and create a prosperous future for our families.

Together, we can master our money and live the lives we’ve always dreamed of.

Let’s do this, mamas!