Money Superstition That Works

A Money Superstition That Actually Works

June 07, 20245 min read
A Money Superstition That Works

Hey there, beautiful mamas! 🌟 Let’s talk about something that we tend to overlook when it comes to money - vibrations. Now, before you start thinking this is way too weird to even consider, I want you to remember one thing: everything in life is energy. That’s right, EVERYTHING, including that green stuff in your wallet. 💵

Money, like any other form of energy, responds to the vibes we send out and the intentions we set. So, buckle up because we’re diving into a super fun and surprisingly effective money superstition that works. Yup, we’re talking about the ancient art of organizing your paper bills in your wallet from the highest value to the lowest. Let’s turn that financial frown upside down and sprinkle some abundance magic into your life! ✨

Money Superstitions: More Than Just Folklore

Okay, I know what you’re thinking - superstitions? Really? But hear me out! Sometimes, what we call "superstition" is just ancient wisdom wrapped in a quirky package. Think about it: people have been passing down these rituals for generations, and there's usually a nugget of truth in there somewhere.

When you engage with money-related rituals, you’re not just indulging in a quirky habit; you’re setting powerful intentions. You’re telling the universe (and your subconscious mind) that you respect and value your money. And guess what? The universe loves that kind of positivity! 🌍💖 So, let's dive into this specific money-keeping technique and uncover why this money superstition works.

The Money Superstition That Works: Organizing Your Bills

Alright, let's get to the good stuff. Here's a step-by-step guide to this fun and effective money superstition that works:

Step 1. Empty Your Wallet

Take out all those bills from your wallet. Lay them out on a table like you’re about to play the most exciting game of Monopoly ever. 🎲

Step 2. Sort Your Bills by Value

Arrange your bills from the highest denomination to the lowest. Put your $100 (or whatever your currency is in your amazing corner of the world) bills first, then the $50s, $20s, and so on. Think of it as your personal money parade, with the big bills leading the way. 🎉

Step 3. Organize Your Wallet

Place the bills back in your wallet, starting with the highest value bills at the front and the lowest value bills at the back. Make sure they’re all neatly aligned and facing the same direction - because even money likes to be tidy! 😉

Step 4. Set an Intention

As you organize your bills, set a positive intention. Say to yourself, “I attract abundance and prosperity into my life,” or any affirmation that makes your heart sing. 🎶

Why This Technique Works

Abundance Is a Frequency of Energy

Now, let’s talk about why this seemingly simple trick packs such a powerful punch:

Aligning with Abundance

By placing the highest value bills at the front, you’re putting abundance front and center in your life. Every time you open your wallet, you’re greeted by a visual reminder of prosperity. It’s like giving your finances a daily pep talk. 📣

Respecting Your Money

When you treat your money with care and respect, you’re sending a powerful message to the universe and your subconscious mind. It’s like saying, “Hey, I appreciate you and I’m ready for more.” Respect attracts respect, and in this case, it attracts more money! 💰

Positive Energy Flow

Energy flows where attention goes. By intentionally organizing your wallet, you’re directing positive energy towards your finances. This can help clear out any stagnant or negative vibes related to money, making way for new opportunities and growth. 🌈

Enhancing Financial Awareness

An organized wallet means you’re more aware of how much money you have. This heightened awareness can lead to better budgeting and smarter spending decisions. Plus, it feels so good to know exactly what’s in your wallet at any given time. 🧐

Grounding the Practice in Spiritual Work

Incorporating this money superstition into your daily routine can be a fun and meaningful way to connect with the energy of money. Think of it as a little ritual that helps you stay in tune with abundance. Like any spiritual practice, consistency is key. The more you engage with this technique, the more you’ll start to notice its positive effects.

To take it up a notch, combine this practice with other spiritual tools like affirmations, visualization, and gratitude. Each time you organize your wallet, express gratitude for the money you have. Visualize your financial goals and feel the joy of achieving them. This adds an extra layer of positive energy to your financial intentions. 🌟

Now, I know you may be thinking, "Well, that all sounds cute, but where's the proof that this trick works?" I hear you! And I promise I'll be sharing some real-life examples from my own experience and other people who've tried it - the results were mind-blowing! But you'll need to wait just a little bit to get these stories lined up in the blog 😉.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it, mama! While it might be tempting to dismiss money-related rituals as mere superstition, there’s often a deeper wisdom at play. By organizing your paper bills from the highest value to the lowest, you’re not just tidying up your finances - you’re engaging with the energy of money in a meaningful way. This simple yet powerful technique can help you align with abundance, respect your money, and enhance your financial awareness.

Remember, everything in life is energy, including money. When you treat your money with care and intention, you’re more likely to attract the prosperity you desire. Give this money superstition a try and watch how it transforms your financial life. After all, a sprinkle of magic combined with practical action can create the abundant life you deserve. ✨💖

Until next time, keep mastering your money game and stay fabulous, because you deserve the financial freedom and stability that only you can create for your family!

With love and financial magic,


P.S. Come check out our Money Master Moms Inner Circle program where you'll find exclusive content (like financial abundance meditations), weekly online coaching get-togethers with moms just like you, a weekly email packed with actionable tips, and most importantly - a loving and supportive community that gets you. We're waiting for you!

Wife and mother of two. Lover of coffee and chocolate. Dancer. Traveler. Marketer. Insatiable learner of everything personal development, family finances, and manifesting your dreams.


Wife and mother of two. Lover of coffee and chocolate. Dancer. Traveler. Marketer. Insatiable learner of everything personal development, family finances, and manifesting your dreams.

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