The Magic of a Kids Piggy Bank

The Magic of a Kids Piggy Bank: Teaching Financial Wisdom Before Age 7

June 19, 20246 min read
Teaching Toddlers Financial Literacy with a Kids Piggy Bank

Hello, fellow mamas! 💁‍♀️ If you're anything like me, you want the absolute best for your kiddos - happiness, health, and yes, even a good head on their shoulders when it comes to money. But let's be real: talking finances with toddlers feels like trying to teach a cat to dance. 🐱💃 It's cute, it's messy, and most of the time, they’re just not having it.

But what if I told you there’s a simple, fun way to introduce your little ones to the world of money? Enter the magical, mystical, all-powerful kids piggy bank! 🐖💫

Now, I know what you're thinking: “A piggy bank? Really?” But stick with me, because by the end of this post, you’ll see just how this simple tool can work wonders in teaching your child financial literacy - before they even blow out seven birthday candles! 🎂

Why a Kids Piggy Bank Is More Than Just a Cute Accessory

First things first: Why is a kids piggy bank so important? Isn’t it just a place to toss loose change and let it gather dust? Oh, mama, it’s so much more!

A piggy bank is your child’s very first introduction to the concept of saving. It’s a tangible way for them to understand that money isn’t just something that magically appears out of your wallet whenever they want a new toy or snack. It’s something that needs to be earned, saved, and spent wisely.

In a world where everything is digital and money seems almost invisible, the humble kids piggy bank brings finances down to a level our little ones can grasp - literally. 👐 When they hold that heavy little pig in their hands and hear the satisfying clink of coins, they're learning that money is real, it has weight, and it has value. 💰

Now let's see what beautiful money lessons your kiddo can learn by having its own piggy bank!

Lessons of a Kids Piggy Bank

Lesson 1: Patience is a Virtue 🐢

One of the first lessons a kids piggy bank teaches is patience. As parents, we know that delayed gratification is a skill that will serve our children well throughout their lives. When your child drops coins into their piggy bank, they learn that saving takes time. It’s not an overnight thing. (and a good reminder for us, too, right?!)

This little piggy teaches them that good things come to those who wait. Want that shiny new toy? Well, keep feeding the piggy, and one day, you’ll have enough! This patience builds a solid foundation for making smart financial decisions later in life. They learn that they can’t just have everything they want immediately - they have to work for it and save for it. 🎯

A Kids Piggy Bank Teaches Patience

Lesson 2: The Joy of Setting Goals

Ah, goal setting. It’s something we adults sometimes struggle with, but it’s a crucial skill for success. A kids piggy bank introduces your little ones to the concept of setting and achieving goals in a way that’s super fun and accessible.

Help your child pick something they really want - a toy, a book, or even a special outing. Then, label the piggy bank with that goal and watch as their excitement grows with every coin they add. It’s like a game, and when they finally reach that goal? The sense of accomplishment is priceless. They’ve just learned one of the most important financial lessons: if you plan for something, you can achieve it. 🥇

Lesson 3: The Power of Choice

We all want our children to grow up making smart decisions, right? A kids piggy bank is an early introduction to the power of choice. When your child has their own money - whether it’s from a weekly allowance, birthday gifts, or loose change - they have to make choices about how to use it.

Do they add it to their piggy bank to save for that bigger goal? Do they spend a little now and save a little for later? Or do they use it all at once? These choices might seem small, but they’re laying the groundwork for financial decision-making in the future. 🧠

And when they make a choice that perhaps wasn’t the wisest - like blowing all their savings on candy and realizing they can’t buy that toy they wanted - they’re learning another valuable lesson: actions have consequences.

Lesson 4: Money Isn’t Just for Spending


One of my favorite lessons a kids piggy bank can teach is the value of giving. 💖 When you introduce the idea of setting aside some money for charity, you’re teaching your child that money isn’t just about getting what you want. It’s also about helping others.

This lesson is beautiful in its simplicity. You could have a “giving” section in the piggy bank, or even have a separate bank altogether. When your child donates that money to a cause they care about - whether it’s helping animals, supporting a local shelter, or buying a friend a gift - they experience the joy that comes from generosity. And let me tell you, mama, that’s a lesson that will stay with them for life. 🌱

Getting Started: How to Choose the Perfect Kids Piggy Bank 🛍️

Ready to start your child on their financial journey? The good news is, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to picking the perfect kids piggy bank. Choose something that reflects your child’s personality - whether it’s a traditional pig, a superhero-themed bank, or even one they can decorate themselves.

The key is to make it fun! And remember, it’s not just about the piggy bank itself; it’s about the conversations and lessons that come with it. Make saving a regular part of your family routine. Celebrate milestones together, and talk about the goals your child is working towards.

Final Thoughts: Building Financial Confidence One Coin at a Time

The road to financial confidence starts early, and a kids piggy bank is the perfect first step. It’s more than just a place to stash coins; it’s a tool that teaches patience, goal-setting, decision-making, and the joy of giving. So, let’s embrace the magic of the kids piggy bank and give our children the gift of financial wisdom - one coin at a time. 🪙✨

Remember, mamas, it’s never too early to start building those money muscles 💪. And with a little help from our trusty piggy banks, we’re setting our kids up for a future of financial success and empowerment. Now, go grab that piggy bank and start saving! 🐷

I hope this post inspired you to take the first step in your child’s financial education. If you enjoyed it, share it with a fellow mama who might need a little piggy bank inspiration too! And do tell us in our Facebook group how your kids are doing with their piggy bank lessons, we'd love to hear from you!



Wife and mother of two. Lover of coffee and chocolate. Dancer. Traveler. Marketer. Insatiable learner of everything personal development, family finances, and manifesting your dreams.


Wife and mother of two. Lover of coffee and chocolate. Dancer. Traveler. Marketer. Insatiable learner of everything personal development, family finances, and manifesting your dreams.

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